- CARLTON, Mary. «Tip #3: Be a good winner, Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour», Watercolor Magic, winter 2002.
- BERNIER, Robert. «Daniel Barkley », La peintures au Quebec depuis les annees 1960, Les Editions de l’homme, 2002, Page 274
- KOZINSKA, Dorota. «Daniel Barkley – Courants sous-jacents», Vie des Arts,No 192, March 2003.
- BÉDARD, Christian. «Daniel Barkley et l’iirésolu, l’inquiet en nous», RG, Avril 2003, Page 29.
- CONSTANTIN PASSIOUR, André. «Daniel Barkley à la galerie Berensen, Mystère et emotions», Fugues, 20e année, No1, April 2003.
- «Le nu mis en scène/Staging the Nude», catalogue.
- DEPONT, Annie. «L’exposition magistrale de Daniel Barkley», Le journal de Prévost, 16 September 2004.
- ABILEAH, Llania. «Staging the nude», Main Street, Volume 4, No 9, September 2004.
- BÉDARD, Christian. «Art et nudité», Fugues, 096, Octobre 2004.
- BLOOMFIELD, Maureen. «The Theatre of the Real», The Artist’s Magazine, September 2006, pp 38-43.
- «And your very flesh shall be a great poem», Xtra Toronto, January 2007.
- KOZINSKA, Dorota. «Daniel Barkley – Re-Telling Legends and Myths», Vie des Arts, No 207, ete 2007
- BURMAN, Monika. «Of Boys and Men», Mass Art Guide, Toronto, January 2007 pp 6-9.
- KRISHTALKA, Sholem. «Daniel Barkley, Two galleries / Morgue-cold blues», Xtra Toronto, February 1, 2007
- KOZINSKA, Dorota, «Retelling Legends and Myths», Vie des Arts, No 207, Summer 2007.
- O’HERN, John, «Men, myths and legends», American Art Collector, No 37, November 2008.
- O’HERN, John. «Sold» American Art Collector, No 38 December 2008, pg 179
- O’HERN, John. «Art of the Nude», American Art Collector, No. 49 October 2009, pg. 121
- GIBBONS, E. «Daniel Barkley», Art of Man Magazine, Fall 2010
- CARTIER, Hector. «Daniel Barkley expose ces oevres recentes», Fugues, vol. 27, No 2, mai 2010
- REYNER, Nancy. «Daniel Barkley », Acrylic innovations: Featuing 64 Visionary Artist, 2010, North Lights Books
- GIBBONS, E. «100 Artist of the Male Figure», summer 2011
- REDGRAVE, Veronica. «Daniel Barkley», Vie des Arts, No 224, automne 2011
- O’HERN, John, «Decadence», American Art Collector, July 2012
- TAILLON, Cedric. «Daniel Barkley», Decover, No 16, April 2012 • ARSENEAULT, Jordan. «Daniel Barkley’s Angels», 2B Life Style, No , April 2012